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Saturday, March 30, 2013

My maid and one bottle of water

In all the last few decades, it’s this year:they say is the heaviest drought in Maharashtra
My taps & my washbasins however have a lot of water
Some I brush my teeth with, twice a Day. With some I take bath with exotic shower gels
And the rest flows out, non-stop & free-flow: as I talk on phone or one of the other 100 reasons
Now, if I can afford, why do I care? Anyways ‘water day’ and environment are all mere tokenisms...
The maid who comes to my place lives in one of those slums that dot the entire city
And every day she fills a bottle of water that she’ll carry back home.
(Her slum does not have regular water supply & some such story she’d said once)
My maid, the old and fragile lady we lovingly call ‘Bai’, often says ‘Babu don’t waste so much water’
And I teasingly reply ‘Bai, don’t be jealous. Take back as much water you want’
She doesn’t reply , smiles slightly and proceeds to other household chores...
But that day she said something very scary.
Her son works as a ward-boy in a large city-hospital
An insignificant job-profile, a meagre salary but he is learning a lot on the job she says.
A very rich man was admitted to the hospital...
And as he was breathing his last one night, my old and fragile Bai’s son was the only one by his side.
‘Get me a little water’ ‘Get me a little water’: the rich man kept panting
The last voice he heard before death was cold and unaffected
‘Sorry Sir, today the hospital has run out of the last drop of water’
These days I wake up at midnight, thirsty, sweating- hangover of a nightmare
As I drink a glassful, I get up. Check my taps and washbasins again, seal them tighter
Don’t know the water that I’ve started saving now: where it goes and who stores it?
But all that I know is:
Soon I will be old & senile and I will be dying.
And I don’t want to go to the same hospital, that same ward: the same ‘insignificant’ ward-boy.


  1. a very thought-provoking one!

  2. Very nice. Try and write more regularly

  3. Very true, one day might come when we would have to buy water!

  4. Kindly share this on facebook if you haven't yet..or allow us to share it...very thought provoking...thanks for sharing..Pls keep writing and sharing !!

  5. Good one deep.

    But at my place, my maid doesn't think a bit before using (read wasting) the tap water. I'm the one to tell her "maaushi jagaat paani kami jhaalay, sambhaalun waapra". She smiles :-/

    I shall share your article with her!

  6. I loved it the way you have addressed and expressed the concern....very thought provoking....write moreeeeee :)

  7. Bosssss..really well written...The people and reason you rolled your mind over is so much noble...Great stuff...

    Shonku ( Prasit)

  8. Boss really well written...The people and reason you rolled your mind over are noble..In fact I have been using a lot of less water since the news of unprecedented drought broke out..
    Great stuff..

  9. Simple .. and in some ways a very raw poetry :)

    Just a few things from my perspective --- ( Note that ... I suck at this stuff too ... but just my views here :P )

    There's a nice flow in the poem starts from a casual & natural indifference that is a trademark of those who do not appreciate the inherent value of things ( depicted in first stanzas )to a benign indulgence ( ..towards the maid w.r.t the water ) ... leading finally to a state of dread & fear when one realizes the inherent importance of things & the consequences should those things cease to exist . A wonderful lesson for each of us actually ..

    The setting of such a profound thought & the way you related it to an aspect of your mundane everyday routine speaks volumes of a mind that is open & engaged with what he sees & observes .

    Having read your earlier poems, I personally think this is as good as a poem about the Grandmother's ... but a bit tweaking in the 3rd & 4 th Stanza might be good .. IMHO. :)

    Cheers Mate !! Keep on writing !!!!

    1. Wah..very thoughtful gets deeper with each line..:-)

    2. wah...too good re..the emotions get deeper with each line..:-)

    3. deep meaning..!!!

    4. Statutory Warning:
      Learn swimming before you start to read... Lest you should drown!

  10. Very nice, sensitive & thoughtful..keep it up

  11. great going deep....
